Sunday, October 31, 2010

Is...she...serious right now?

Fashionistas, how many times have you caught yourself thinking just that (Is she SERIOUS?) when out shopping, with friends, or...anywhere really? I know I certainly catch myself questioning one's mental capacities at least once every time I leave my house. But SERIOUSLY, how to people leave their respective houses wearing some of the things they are wearing? Surely they cannot believe themselves to be fashionable!?! The worst part is when you know that, deep down inside, this person sporting some of the worst fashion EVER really does SERIOUSLY BELIEVE she is fashionable. My friends, these people are nuts.

Here are a few examples of TERRIBLE (and I repeat (with emphasis): TERRRRRIBLE) outfits I have spotted around Toronto recently, that not only have me stop dead mid-sentence and get this look on my face that means only one thing: is...she...serious right now? Is that outfit REALLY happening?

Let's consider this picture, shall we? I hope everyone was able to spot the fahsion crime immediately. WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE WEARING ON THEIR FEET? Tie-on covers to cover their shoes or something? Are they supposed to make it look like they're wearing boots? You know what this reminds me of? You know those blankets that horses wear that are sort of tied on so they keep warm? Yeah, it reminds me of those. Look, even the horse is wearing them! Certainly these leg-warmer-horse-warmer things are not warm in the slightest, which just confuses me even further... seriously, where do people come up with this?

Now, let's take a look at one outfit I spotted yesterday, while shopping in one of Toronto's trendiest outdoor shopping complexes. No doubt this lady thought she was HOT in her ankle-length red-pleather wedged heel booties. I could barely stifle my laughter. This lady definitely was serious. WHAT in your right mind, lady, would possess you to wear this? The fact that they're ankle-high booties make your calfs look short and stumpy, and well... not so toned. The beige wedge and the red pleather are a terrible combination, and anyone willing to market these must be on crack.

I must admit I enjoy my "Is She Seriously?" moments because they provide me with a smile and a little laugh, and make my excursions just THAT much more interesting... but wouldn't you rather have someone enjoy your outfit instead of contemplating your level of brain ability? I would think so. Remember: mirrors are your friends. Just because you don't see someone else wearing it does not mean you're making a fashion statement with your outfit - you're actually making many people laugh. Congrats!

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