Dear Fashionistas,
It's been a while since we wrote about something that we see in everyday life (actually, it's been a long time since we wrote in general!) and I think it's about time we go back to discussing bad fashion that we see everyday, as opposed to the runway. Today's victim? JEGGINGS.
Jeggings are a cross between leggings and jeans, and are, in my opinion, one of the WORST THINGS YOU COULD EVER WEAR. Like, why would you want to look like you're wearing jeans if you're not? Is it so you can fit your fat ass into "jeans" since you otherwise would not be able to wear jeans that tight? I don't know WHY someone would want to wear these, but a piece of advice? DON'T!

Remember our anti-legging campaign a few weeks ago? Yeah, just because jeggings look like jeans does not rule them out against everything bad we said about leggings - you can still see your cellulite through them, your ass still will look jiggly, and, ummm they're still veeerrrryyyy ugly! The worst part about jeggings is that people ACTUALLY wear these things like normal pants! Shirts tucked in an all!!! Or with tiny little t-shirts! WHY WHY WHY??? Or with heels! EWWW Like, why would you want to expose just how bad your legs are to begin with? Just because they are in a jean print DOES NOT make them any better, ESPECIALLY if they are in an acid wash. BLAH. Take the jeggings on the right, for example. Now, tell me, intelligent people, what is SO GREAT about these? Answer: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. This poor girl's ass looks nothing but UNattractive, looks like she has a MAJOR wedgie, and um, her legs look short and bulky due to the colour and tightness. Also, those heels should never-ever be worn with jeggings, especially in that colour - the contrast between black and... grey (what the hell colour is that anyway?) places attention on your ankles, and because the pants cut you off at the ankles, you will look SHORTER. Also, heels tend to create more muscular-looking thighs, making you look bulky in something that is as skin-tight as jeggings. Yeah, so, um, just don't do it ok, peeps? Also, they look SO CHEAP and TACKY - why do you need to PRINT on your pockets? Exactly.
Ladies, stick to skinny jeans. If you can't fit into skinny jeans... well then, you are much to big to fit into them in the first place, and you should do something about that. And by that, I mean WORK OUT and not revert to ridiculous JEGGINGS in order to make yourself feel good - because I can assure you, you definitely do not look good.