Unfortunately, with brightly-coloured sundresses and daisy dukes comes one fashion trend I CANNOT STAND and I really think NOBODY should even ATTEMPT to wear: ROMPERS. Why the hell would somebody want to wear something that was originally intended for 5-year olds? Are you so intellectually incompetent that you have to wear your shorts and tops sewn together? Perhaps this is for those people who have a tendency to take off their clothes while having a few too many summery drinks, and need more reinforcement. Regardless, DO NOT WEAR A ROMPER!!!!!
When I think of a romper on a grown person aka an adult, the images that immediately comes to mind are 1) a blond white-trash crack whore with a cigarette and a drink in her hand, and too skinny to fit into anything else, and 2) an over-weight skankapotomous who wants to hide a few rolls. Are you any of those two things? Geezus, I seriously hope not!
I think my main issue with rompers is that, well, I have yet to see anyone who can really pull it off. Sure, terrycloth ones can be useful après-swim (but, like, keep in mind you're literally wearing a towel in this case) but just further emphasizes the fact that they should NOT be worn on the street. Oh hey, you look like you just came from the beach... but you live in downtown Toronto! No beaches there, my friends. If you're not anno-thin, rompers have a tendency to make you look like you have a post-baby belly due to the fact that many of them attempt to have a higher waist-line. Not only that, but your ass looks like it's falling out, and um, hello camel-toe! Ew. Like, who does this girl in the blue think she is? STOP IT NOW!!!!!
Unless you're a 5-year old child, please don't wear one of these hideous outfits. You look reeeeealllly bad, no matter how skinny, how tanned, how accessorized you may be, or how awesome your shoes are. Do you really want to look like white trash, or a toddler? *shudders* I seriously hope not.